Canopy Mindo

How to get to Mindo?
To get to Mindo we depart from the city of Quito, there is a bus route that takes you from Quito directly to Mindo. The transport operator is called "Flor del Valle - Cayambe", the cost of the one-way ticket is $ 2.50 and it is suggested to buy the return ticket as soon as you arrive at the town, at the bus stop offices, as they usually end soon, or any bus that goes to Los Bancos and ask Aventura Ecuador Canopy to leave you at “La Y” in Mindo, this is the access from the main road to Mindo.
The way down is winding and quite long so it is recommended to take the vans that are usually parked in that place, they usually charge $ 3 for the trip to Mindo, so if you go with a good number of people you will get lower cost per head . Of not, there is always the possibility of asking for a lift to any other van that goes down to Mindo, although it is not very frequent.
- Canopy Mindo Hours: 09 am to 16 pm
- Canopy Mindo Cost of admission: USD 15 adults, USD 10 children
- Canopy Mindo Public transport: In the Ofelia terminal the Flor del Valle cooperative
How to get to Mindo?
Mindo Technical Information
- Protected area: Mindo Nambillo Protective Forest
- Ecosystem: It is in a Cloud Forest
- Climate: 15 º C - 24 º C, Best season (months): All year.
- Degree of difficulty: Medium.
- Distance (m): 3,500 meters.
- Altitude (masl): 1347 masl
- Time (hours): 20 to 30 minutes.
- Start - end activity: This unique adventure sport in the parish of Mindo which is a small town located in the middle of the cloud forest to the northwest of San Miguel de Los Bancos. Upon reaching the central park we can go to the tourist information center that can lead us to the Mindo Canopy Adventure site where you can glide on a steel cable through a pulley and special safety equipment here we can find 10 longitudinal cables from 20 to 40 meters long and make different flights according to the motivation and desire of the tourist. On these flights we can observe the treetops their different species that inhabit and have an unforgettable and unique adventure through the native forests of the northwest of the Pichincha provincedo
- Trails: We have small trails in Mindo Canopy to arrive from a departure and arrival point
- Signage: In the Y of Mindo and in the Town of Mindo
- Parking: In the Town of Mindo
- Others: Information Center in front of the central park of Mindo
Mindo Tourist Services
- Accommodation: In the town of Mindo there are a variety of accommodations ranging from 10 to 80 dollars.
- Food & beverage: In the town of Mindo there are a variety of restaurants that offer a variety of typical foods to vegetarians with a cost from 5, 10, 15 and 20 dollars.
- Operators: Local and National
- Transportation: Flor del Valle Cooperative

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